Neurofeedback Research
This page contains references to useful books and research for anyone looking to find out more about of the techniques I use, or broaden their understanding of how those techniques work.
Where possible I have used studies that review multiple studies to come up with findings, as single studies (while useful) are not as reliable.
Useful Books
Relevant research materials
Research Topics
- “Various studies show abstinence increases compared to control groups (in a sizeable number of groups the control is a 12-step program) E.G. Scott-Kaiser’s research showed abstinence at 1.5 years to be 44% for the control group and 77% for the A/T trained patients.”, (289-294)
- Efficacy of Invasive and Non-Invasive Brain Modulation Interventions for Addiction
- Neurofeedback Against Binge Eating: A Randomized Controlled Trial in a Female Subclinical Threshold Sample
- Advances in biofeedback and neurofeedback studies on smoking
- Efficacy of Invasive and Non-Invasive Brain Modulation Interventions for Addiction
- Neurofeedback Training for Opiate Addiction: Improvement of Mental Health and Craving
- Efficacy Evaluation of Neurofeedback-Based Anxiety Relief
- Effects of a single session of SMR neurofeedback training on anxiety and cortisol levels
- Sensorimotor rhythm neurofeedback training relieves anxiety in healthy people
- The effects of alpha asymmetry and high-beta down-training neurofeedback for patients with the major depressive disorder and anxiety symptoms
Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD) &
Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Bladder Issues (Enuresis)
- The Effect of Neurofeedback Therapy in Primary Enuretic Children
- Walker, J. 2012. Neurofeedback offers effective treatment for bedwetting,
- Hallioglu, O., Ozge, A., Comelekoglu, U., Topaloglu, A. K., Kaik, A.Duzovali, O. 2001. Evaluation of cerebral maturation by visual and quantitative analysis of resting electroencephalography in children with primary nocturnal enuresis.. Journal of Child Neurology, 16(10): 714–718.
Brain Injury & Strokes
- An Overview of the Use of Neurofeedback Biofeedback for the Treatment of Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury in Military and Civilian Populations
- Cognitive rehabilitation in a case of traumatic brain injury using EEG-based neurofeedback in comparison to conventional methods
- Electroencephalogram-based neurofeedback training in persons with stroke: A scoping review in occupational therapy
Chronic Pain
- Immediate effect of neurofeedback training on the pain matrix and cortical areas involved in processing neuropsychological functions
- The mechanism of neurofeedback training for treatment of central neuropathic pain in paraplegia: a pilot study
- Reversed cortical over-activity during movement imagination following neurofeedback treatment for central neuropathic pain Reversed cortical over-activity during movement imagination following neurofeedback treatment for central neuropathic pain
- The effects of alpha asymmetry and high-beta down-training neurofeedback for patients with the major depressive disorder and anxiety symptoms
- A Neurofeedback Protocol for Executive Function to Reduce Depression and Rumination: A Controlled Study
- Amygdala Circuitry During Neurofeedback Training and Symptoms’ Change in Adolescents With Varying Depression
- Dyslexia in the Criminal Justice System. Centre for Social Justice Report 2021
- Using Neurofeedback to Restore Inter-Hemispheric Imbalance: A Study Protocol for Adults With Dyslexia
- Coherence and neuropsychological functions in children with reading disability
- Effectiveness of EEG-Biofeedback on Attentiveness, Working Memory and Quantitative Electroencephalography on Reading Disorder
LENS Neurofeedback
- The LENS: A Clinical Outcomes Study on One Hundred Patients
- A “Blinded” study of 100 patients taken Aged 6-80, male and female with a wide range of symptoms and comorbid DSM-IV diagnoses, who averaged 20 treatments saw a decline in self-reported symptoms on a 0-10 scale from 7.92 to 3.96. Which is a 50% reduction in symptoms.
- LENS The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (2011:69-78) Ed. By D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) &
Emotional Trauma
Emotional Trauma
- Metadata Analysis done by Steven Lowen PhD of Harvard school of medicine, showed lowering of symptoms across a range of studies from 70-93%. (298-301)
- A Pilot Study of Neurofeedback for Chronic PTSD
- A Randomized Controlled Study of Neurofeedback for Chronic PTSD
- The Effectiveness of Using Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review
- Electroencephalography-based neurofeedback as treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- The impact of neurofeedback training on children with developmental trauma: A randomized controlled study
Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
- Thought Field Therapy and QEEG Changes in the Treatment of Trauma: A Case Study
- Acupoint Stimulation in Treating Psychological Disorders: Evidence of Efficacy
- Thought Field Therapy (TFT) as a treatment for anxiety symptoms: a randomized controlled trial
- Brief trauma intervention with Rwandan genocide-survivors using thought field therapy