Neurofeedback for Dyslexia
Dyslexia can come with many benefits, such as higher than average IQ, increased ability to think laterally, etc. However, the downsides can also be significant. Issues around reading, speech, focus, clumsiness, maths, and short-term memory are common.
The main reasons are to do with excess slow waves in the sections of the brain that relate to these areas, and a lack or excess of coherence. Coherence means that frequency bands in the brain between two or more areas are similar. We don’t want them to work exactly the same (hyper-coherence) or completely differently (hypo-coherence), as this stops them working together well.
Dyslexic people make up about 10% of the population, but up to 50% of the prison population. Helping them lessen their symptoms as early in life as possible will aid their academic ability and emotional regulation.
Action Plan
The first step is to assess the key areas of the brain to see which ones have an imbalance in the frequency levels. I will gather information from the person and where possible from those closest to them, as well as study any evaluations that are available on academic and behavioural issues. I will then train these and adjoining areas of the brain that are key for the functioning that we want to improve.
People with dyslexia often have high IQ and lateral thinking skills, but may also have issues around reading, speech, focus, clumsiness, maths, and short-term memory.
Counselling for Dyslexia
Dyslexia can be a frustrating condition, whether it is formally diagnosed or you are having symptoms consistent with a diagnosis. The school system is aimed at the majority, and many dyslexic children will be unable to produce work up to their ability. This often leads to feeling stupid, ‘less than’ and frustrated, with a higher-than-average absentee rate.
Action Plan
While the neurofeedback is working to address the underlying cause, counselling is used to help people process their feelings and help them understand and value their abilities.